It's amazing how time passes.. cant claim laziness, I have been mainly crotcheting these past few weeks. Almost to embarrased to display my efforts but may do by the end. I should say that it has taken me many years of many enthusiastic teachers (youngest being 8!!) and I have never been able to grasp this skill but after a eureka moment I have stopped crotcheting fruit bowl shaped objects and succeeded in making FLAT SQUARES!!! WEY HEY!! okay I will have to show you, and please note the crotcheted edge to the scarf I have been knitting whilst smallest Hope attends Drama classes (not that she needs them).
And so the lesson of the week was... dont make plans on your only day to yourself because something will happen like it snowing a blizzard down from the skies and then you cant go anywhere. Here is the Wee George wondering how in the name of heavens he is supposed to go out and do the do's in cat waist deep snow.
Not wanting to lower the tone... I dont think he did a wee all day, litter trays are not for him, much prefers a flower bed. The veg plot is fenced off as it has recently been beautifully tidied.
The little excitement I had today was finally getting my hands on "Dear Jane", so I have made two blocks because everything else gets pushed off the work table, and cut out three more in prep. That will be me this weekend, glass of wine and tiniest of pieces (4 1/2" fin. squares) not a recipe for accuracy maybe.. Cant decide whether to keep to reds solely or have in reds and blues. off to ponder in a warm bath.. goodnight x